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We also provide Fire Extinguishers for domestic and non-domestic usage.
Class A: SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc
Class B: FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil etc
Class C: FLAMMABLE GASES such as propane, butane, methane etc
Class D: METALS such as aluminium, magnesium, titanium etc
Class E: Fires involving ELECTRICAL APPARATUS
Class F: Cooking OIL & FAT etc

Water Extinguisher
Used for Class A fires. Sizes: 6 Litre, 9 Litre

Dry Powder Extinguisher
Class A, B and C fires. Sizes available: 1KG, 2KG, 4KG, 6KG, 9KG

Foam Spray Extinguisher
Class A and B fires. Sizes available: 2 Litre, 6 Litre, 9 Litre

CO2 Extinguisher
Class B and E fires. Sizes available: 2KG, 5KG

Wet Chemical Extinguisher
Class A and F fires. Sizes available: 2 Litre, 3 Litre, 6 Litre
Please hover over the images below to find out more.
Please note: We can offer a limited amount of re-conditioned units [please contact for details].
Fire Extinguishers
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